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Winter School

Winter School


Eleventh Annual Winter School on Emerging Technologies: Accelerating Impactful Scholarship

supported by The National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure

January 3-10, 2024

The Winter School will give junior scholars and scientists an introduction to and practical experience with methods and theory for better understanding the social dimensions of emerging technologies. The 2024 Winter School will be focused on the broad notion of impact with an aim to explore ways for participants to increase and diversify the impact of their work. The National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure Coordinating Office is now supporting the winter school, run by the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University.

What to expect:

This year’s program will include a series of interactive sessions with academic scholars to explore different ways that research can positively impact the world beyond the specific contexts in which studies are conducted. As a Winter School participant, you will exchange ideas and engage with an interdisciplinary community of young scholars from around the world, and discuss how your work connects to pressing issues influenced by emerging technologies. Ample work time and breaks are built into the Winter School schedule to encourage participants to guide their own learning experience. Mentorship sessions with attending faculty are also offered.

Why apply?

The Winter School is an immersive experience for scholars early in their research careers to share their own unique research and learn from peers and experts. The faculty at the Winter School offer theoretical framings, analytical tools and hands-on lessons in applying social science, natural science, and engineering approaches to studying the impacts of emerging technologies on societies. Participating in the Winter School will enrich your professional networks and provide ample opportunities to share ideas, collaborate with peers, and develop proposals that can enhance the impact and visibility of your work.

Who should apply?

Applicants should be advanced graduate students or recent PhDs (post-doc or untenured faculty within three years of completing a PhD at time of application) with an expressed interest in studying emerging technologies such as nanotechnology, robotics, synthetic biology, geoengineering, artificial intelligence, etc. Applicants may come from any discipline and must be demonstrably proficient in English.


The program will spend its eleventh consecutive year at Saguaro Lake Ranch in Mesa, AZ with access to Sonoran Desert hiking, kayaking on Saguaro Lake, horseback riding and relaxing by the Salt River. Check out their website at:

Program Cost:

The program fees for accepted students will be covered by the NNCI including seven nights at Saguaro Lake Ranch, meals and local transportation from Tempe, Arizona. Participants will be responsible for their own travel to Tempe, Arizona and should arrive before 2:00 pm on January 3rd.

To Apply:

Visit to access an application and learn more about the 2024 Winter School program. Participants are requested to be fully vaccinated before they arrive at the ranch


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